Exploring the crazy myth that Oswald was set up and framed as a fall guy

If ever there was a mantra consistent with many JFK conspiracy believers, it would be the "Oswald was a Patsy" belief. Ingrained into the mindset of many conspiracists, multiple myths and versions on how Oswald was framed have flourished in conspiracy literature and forums. There are many suspects ranging from Guy Banister, CIA, Michael and Ruth Paine, Militant Cuban Exiles, Dallas Police, Clay Shaw and the list keeps growing daily.
So, was Oswald just a Patsy? Let's begin when he first uttered those words.
Video courtesy of David Von Pein
Conspiracy believers should pay close attention to this as it has been badly misinterpreted over the years. At 7:55 PM on November 22, 1963, Oswald is ushered out of the Homicide office and led through the corridor where the media peppered him with questions about shooting the President.
Here is a short transcript of what Oswald said.
OSWALD: I'd like some legal representation. these police officers have not allowed me to....to have any.
OSWALD: I ahh.... don't know what this is all about..... Sir?
REPORTER: Did you kill the President?
REPORTER: (Garbled Question)
OSWALD: I work in that building (TSBD), yes
REPORTER: Were you in the building at the time?
OSWALD: Naturally if I work in that building, yes sir.
REPORTER: Did you shoot the President?
OSWALD: No, they are taking me in because of the fact I used to live in the Soviet Union.
OSWALD: I'm just a Patsy!
First of all, regarding legal representation, this was Pre-Miranda rights (1966). Texas law as explained by local American Bar Association representative, H. Louis Nichols, did not require a suspect to have an attorney present during initial interrogation. Nichols was a practicing Civil Lawyer and called a fellow Dallas Criminal lawyer as explained in this video (2:00 minute mark). Only after charges were formally filed, the suspect was able to obtain a lawyer, or a court appointed lawyer would be made available.
Video courtesy of the Lone Gunman
Now Oswald starts acting like" he didn't know what this is all about". Of course, that's a blatant lie because he was arrested in the Texas Theater as the prime suspect in the Tippit shooting after pulling out his revolver on a policeman. Additionally, he had to know the President was shot with all the commotion and chaos right outside his building. Further to that, he was interrogated earlier about both killings.
Next Oswald admitted to the media he was in the TSBD building at the time of the shooting. He never said he was outside in front watching the motorcade.
Here's the one of the most important parts to this Patsy statement. He said he was taken in (by the Dallas Police) because he used to live in the Soviet Union. Although it would eventually come out, how did the Dallas Police know upon the time of his arrest in the Texas Theater he had been in Russia? Of course, they didn't. Another lie. Curiously that statement by Oswald about living in the Soviet Union gave a clue why he wanted noted Communist Party lawyer (CPUSA), John J. Abt, to represent him.

John J. Abt, Photo Credit: Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University.
In other words, Oswald felt he was being falsely persecuted as a perceived Communist by the Dallas Police Department when they rounded him up off the streets and took him in custody. It had nothing to do with sinister forces framing him with his rifle. That's the true meaning behind Oswald's Patsy statement.
Applying common sense and reason, does anyone really think Oswald was so stupid to get himself framed with his own rifle on the 6th floor by nameless/faceless sinister individuals?
I think Oswald was a little smarter than that, he was no hapless dummy. He could think for himself. Just a few months earlier he was debating Carlos Bringuier on Marxism, reading books, studying political systems.
What happened? Did he fall down and damage his brain? I don't think so.
For those who still believe Oswald was a framed Patsy, then you have to admit he was the most clueless dimwitted person alive in 1963.
Steve Roe is one of the most impressive writers on the JFK assassination I have come across for a long time. His brilliant analyses is right up there with John McAdams and Gerald Posner!
I suggest people view this site linked below for information involving the TSBD / LHOs arrest
It provides both sides of the case made for and against LHO was / was not the JFK shooter with the various claims and counter claims / evidence with supporting documents
This site contains witness testimony and documentation from TSBD employees that were present during the assassination of JFK. Alongside with agents of the DPD, FBI, Secret Service, U.S.P.S. and lawyers to complete the overall picture. The site is under constant construction while it gradually adds text, media and documents
I keep learning about new information that was withheld covered up not discussed ignored etc
None of this proves LHO did not shoot…
Officer Baker spent a long time in Dallas Police station giving a statement about what he and Mr Truly had done
However while looking at Oswald while Officer Baker was making his first sworn statement on 22nd of November, he failed to mention seeing LHO on the 2nd Floor lunch room in this statement even though he was looking at Oswald for part of the time while making it, or say that man over there being questioned by the Secret Service is the man I saw in the 2nd Floor lunch room
Rather he said he saw a dark haired man on the 3rd or 4th Floor of the TSBD in an open area who Mr Truly vouched for
Lets not forget that Allen Dulles decided not to tell the WC that he knew the CIA had asked the MAFIA to kill Castro and the CIA had many such plans to do so, even though Dulles knew about this and it was clearly important to investigation of any Cuban revenge motives.
This Oswald was a Patsy idea needs to take into account the whole way the JFK matters have been dealt with not just Oswald's comment.
A Marxist Marine is a good starting point. Do people really believe the Marines would allow a real Marxist into a CIA base in Japan let alone deal with U2 flights ?
Seriously they were looking for Reds everywhere in the USA. LHO arrived in Russia speaking good Russian which he learned while in the Marines. Self taught .... possible but unlikely.
Lets move on...
There is much signed testimony and other documents some of which were not publicly reviewed / discussed by the WC or later investigations and today the MSM ignores.